Terraform by Example


Terraform output values can be seen as return values of resources. They are part of a module its interface.

Declaring an output value #

Each output must be declared using an output block.

output "example_compute_instance_name" {
  value = google_compute_instance.example.name

Declaring an output value with a description #

As output values are part of the interface you can add a description to them.

output "example_compute_instance_name" {
  value       = google_compute_instance.example.name
  description = "The name of the example compute instance"

Declaring a sensitive output value #

Sensitive values are masked in the output of terraform plan and terraform apply.

Note: Terraform will persist the value to the state file as cleartext, anyone that can view the state file can see the value.

output "sql_database_root_password" {
  value       = google_sql_database_instance.example.root_password
  description = "The initial root password"
  sensitive   = true

Using an output value in a module #

Output values can be used using the format module.<module name>.<output value>.

module "compute_instance" {
  source = "path/to/compute_instance_module"
  ... additional module configuration ...

resource "google_compute_instance_iam_member" "member" {
  instance_name = module.compute_instance.name
  role          = "roles/compute.osAdminLogin"
  member        = "user:bruno@example.com"

Want to learn more about Outputs? Check out the docs.

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